“You’re never too old or too young to pursue your dreams.”
“我们的目标只是试图让人们更容易获得健康和健身. And when we started out, we weren’t thinking of this as a business.”
“Hudson Valley is where I got my passion for nature.”
“The detective work that was involved in diagnosing a car. I really, really liked that aspect of it.”
“The work that we do here is important, 我总是告诉我的学生,他们掌握着别人的生命.”
“I wasn't really playing attention to my grade point average. 我只是在做工作.”
“It takes a while to know what you want do for the rest of your life. You need to explore opportunities.”
“我不认为人们把我当作一个17岁的孩子,他们只是把我当作一个学生. At Hudson Valley, I really feel like I fit.”
“Our schedule is ridiculous – wake up 5 a.m.我带孩子们去学校. 带我妻子去上班. Get back to Troy, daughter goes to day care, and then my day starts.”
“I felt like I had an opportunity, 一个目的, a drive to help those that are in need, so that’s why I applied for the president position at PTK.”
“Now, more than ever, is the time to start in a field like this. We really need people out there helping the community.”
“When I first applied I didn't get in because the program was full. 所以,当他们告诉我有一个空缺职位时,我就去了,我很高兴我去了!”
“Sign language isn’t only for Deaf people. People from all walks of life can use it ... the more people that learn sign language, the better. ”
“This is what I was meant to do in this chapter of my life.”
“The great thing about Hudson Valley is the progress you can make. Here, I know I can get the support I need to go on to another school.”
“当我回顾我的生活, 我只是想说我能够激励其他人实现他们的目标.”
“After my first year at UAlbany, 由于我在高中获得的所有学分,我已经被认为是大三学生了.”
“In my opinion, we’ve got the best teachers here at Hudson Valley.”
“I'm so glad I had this opportunity to decide what I wanted to do, and I was able to choose my own path.”
“It’s a challenging program, that’s for sure.”
“Honestly, I'd say Hudson Valley is a hidden gem. Every class I'm taking will probably transfer.”
“I look at this as a check point. 我只是想继续前进.”
“Wouldn't it be great if I can do this for a living some day?”
“This is exactly the position I had in mind when enrolling at HVCC.”
“我要庆祝这次毕业,因为我为此付出了很多努力. You need to celebrate the triumphs in your life.”
“I'm telling my story to make a difference in peoples' lives.”
“In high school, I really wasn't motivated by education. 我决定去哈德逊谷,完成两年的刑期,然后转学.”
“Going back to school is no joke. It takes work and discipline, but it's so fulfilling.”
“It makes you feel good to help someone out.”
“I’ve been connected with the college in some way since 1972, and I have a strong attachment to this place.”
“It’s humbling to be back in college. 但是我的教授艾琳·马奥尼花时间帮助我度过了第一学期.”
“I remember meeting with the admissions director. She planted the idea that I could get to Cornell from here.”
“Try every day toward your goal. 努力工作. 是不可阻挡的. Do it every day, and don't give up.”
“CASP给了我成功所需的一切,也给了我帮助他人的机会. I made some really great friends.”
“The Fine Arts community at Hudson Valley is something special.”